viernes, 5 de septiembre de 2014

Why I make this?

When someone thinks about innovate, normally imagines a new product-service that is going to solve an existing problem, next to that a group of people is going to pay for the developed  solution and  innovator automatically will earn money for his initiative. However, almost always the implications and requirements for money earning are  unknown, and often  results are not as expected by the innovator-entrepreneur, his family, his friends, his business associates, creditors and society as a whole. It is common to see at the end a lot of frustrated, indebted and discredited people. I think this may change, so I encourage to make this blog based on my practical experience in innovation and entrepreneurship,  testing theoretical concepts the last 15 years, trying to synthesize, using an unpretentious language to explain the key elements that can help those who take the huge risk of innovation and entrepreneurship.


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